Why are doctors using View360 automation to tackle real-world healthcare burdens?
More and more researchers are turning to real-world data to shed light on therapeutic lifecycles. This real-world evidence gathered through automation can help patient care professionals scrutinize EHR data collected through desktops and mobile and use new IT Solutions to assess existing data’s fitness and provide better care and guidance remotely.
Challenges Of EHR Data
Although EHR data is one of the most beneficial forms of data available for healthcare institutions, a recent research project from The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) reported that approximately 35% of fields are missing from their structured fields. These missing fields cause significant delays in providing care for patients and can cause various symptoms to escalate.
Healthcare Challenges
In 2020, healthcare has been disrupted in many ways. Even the best healthcare organizations have had to shuffle clinicians and physicians to manage additional duties. Elective surgery specialists are being called into emergency, intensive care units, and clinicians have had to cross state borders to help under-pressure areas. These disruptions have caused massive administrative challenges, including patient onboarding, missing paperwork, increased payer and provider enrollment tasks, and other billing-related issues. These new challenges, along with missing data, have exasperated the medical professional.

Gathering Real-World Evidence
In an interview, Pall Jonsson, associate director for science policy and research at NICE, while speaking about missing data, said that if “Real-world evidence could be incorporated into our work in the future. It could complement trial and research data in our technology appraisals, especially in helping to resolve uncertainty in the evidence.” However, to gather new data, healthcare organizations have to think outside the box and implement automation and other new technologies to connect with patients and automate tasks that take hours seamlessly. View360 from Epik Solutions is one of those technologies that is helping Doctors and Patients connect remotely.
Creating Better Healthcare
Through this new View360 Solution, healthcare workers do not have extra time to spend on new paperwork. They can auto-populate the existing data and view all the gathered patient data in one place. On top of that, healthcare professionals can create customizable workflows that automate tasks like onboarding, appointments, raise alerts if any data entry field is missing. To tackle the billing-related tasks, a department currently short-staffed across the country and less efficient due to remote working challenges, View360 incorporates Electronic payment providers. Recognizing all of these challenges have loosened the bureaucratic restrictions long plaguing the healthcare business and ensured clinicians give patients the care they need without worrying about if and how they’ll get approvals and payments.
Help your organization avoid these unnecessary challenges and steps. Adapt with your industry as it moves towards a more digital and less manual labor-intensive work by implementing automation and making administration more manageable. Give us a call at +1-925-444-0466 or write to us contact@epikso.com, and we will be happy to help you.