A Front Line Worker Platform integrating workers into their environment by connective technologies.
Epik Solutions Connected Worker Platform connects an organization’s workers & showcases their regular routines to help front-line teams with the assistance they need to perform their best work safely and effectively.
Epik Solutions Connected Worker Platform connects an organization’s workers & showcases
their regular routines to help front-line teams with the assistance they need to perform
their best work safely and effectively.
With our platform, users can see a boost in worker effectiveness and better real-time interaction, facilitating optimized decision-making, identifying risks, and executing proper preventive action for enhanced safety and improved performance
They say - it’s a “Better Direction with Bonded Connection!”
Learn how we can enable the front-line teams to work faster, better, and safer.
The system does predictive analytics providing real-time guidance that prevents workers from making errors. Also, the quick alert system promptly addresses potential issues in the work environment and appropriate emergency response practices.
The user gets clear data and process visibility–from raw materials to finished products. It enables a complete digital view of worker activities and data visibility dashboards that helps in both individual and process safety to protect operatives and essential assets.
Most manufacturers have cycle time data. But what happens between the start and end of a process can be a mystery. Connective technologies provide granular data and complete visibility into frontline work that helps organizations to do regular inspections, safety routines, training, and audits. Such activities actively reduce several risks.
Connected technologies ensure workers have all the information they require while on the field & working. The system provides smart insights to identify productivity possibilities across work operations and the workforce to make the decisions best suited for organization’s growth. Its Low-code scalability allows for prompt integration into company workflows.
The standardized process makes it easier to maintain compliance, provide employee safety, and drive operational improvements. A real-time compliance overview allows a firm to manage & analyze data feeds from connected workforce and operations for better safety standards.